
What would know ABAP Developer Before Learning?

What would know ABAP Developer Before Learning?

what do we know before learning ABAP is a big question ,rising it for every one who interested to learn ABAP language but as per my view some basic things we should know before learning ABAP if we had know some basics,it would be very easy to learn in the future some of them are i am going to explain you here.

What is SAP?

The five engineers separated from IBM found the  SAP R/98 in 1973 in Germany ,it gradually evolved from main frame computing to  SAP R/3 (client and server architecture), is systems,applications and productions which makes ERP(enterprise resource planning) to administrate business operations and customer relations ,all SAP  applications integrated into the SAP Data Base ,SAP completely depends on the Data Base That is Back end software.

What is ABAP ?

ABAP is advanced business application programming ,is high level programming language for programming SAP application server(SAP R/3) to build the business applications ,all ABAP programs stored in the SAP data base,ABAP runs on the three tier architecture layers.

1) Application layer
2) Presentation layer
3)Data base layer

Application layer is front end system which executes the all sap applications.
Presentation layer is interface between PL and DL .
Data base layer stores the all data sap data.

ABAP Development Environment

ABAP Workbench

The ABAP Workbench is part of the ABAP system and is accessed via SAPgui. It consists different tools for editing programs. The most important of these are (transaction codes are shown in parentheses):

ABAP Editor for writing and editing reports, module pools, includes and subroutine pools (SE38)

ABAP Dictionary for running database table definitions and retrieving global types (SE11)

Menu Painter for framing the user interface (menu bar, standard toolbar, application toolbar, function key assignment) (SE41)

Screen Painter for framing screens and flow logic (SE51)

Function Builder for creating function modules (SE37)

Class Builder for ABAP Objects classes and interfaces (SE24)

The Object Navigator (transaction SE80) fecilitates a single integrated interface into these various tools.

ABAP Development Tools

The ABAP Development Tools (ADT), previously known as "ABAP in Eclipse", is a set of plugins for the Eclipse platform to develop ABAP.

In this case, the ABAP developer installs the necessary tools on his computer and works locally, whereas a continuous synchronization with the backend is performed.


The SAP Web IDE is a browser based development environment for ABAP development. The Web IDE is installed on the ABAP system and is provided with the web server that is part of the SAP system. The developer uses a Web browser to access the Web IDE.

The most important thing is know about the ALL sap developing companies and their clients and real time business environment ,actually how SAP system is working what type of application it is developing then you can start the ABAP course . 


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