

Common English Words Used in Daily Life with Meaning in Hindi &Telugu

Common English Words Used in Daily Life with Meaning in Hindi &Telugu If Hindi and Telugu people want to learn English faster, Here are the daily used English words translated into Hindi and Telugu that you can use in your daily life wherever and whenever you speak this language. Moreover, these are very important and the most used words that are enough to grab the language skills in any field. Using 3000 to 3,500 words, you can understand 90% of everyday English conversations, English newspapers, magazine articles, and office English. For the remaining 10% you can learn from the context or ask questions about it. Speak English fluently with the 3000 most common English words, and Learn English vocabulary to listen and speak at the same time with 3000 commonly used words in English. List of daily used English words with meaning Why the 3000 most common English words? When you are learning English, vocabulary is probably the most important thing. Without words, you cannot read, l